
A Thought For Your Christian Journey:


Firm Unto The End

Hebrews 3:4-6 4 For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God. 5 And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after; 6 But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.

It is a curious thing that an avalanche starts with just a relatively small impact.  Perhaps a loose rock falls on a precarious pile of mud and debris or a fragile collection of snow is just touched and the impact fractures some frail support.  Once the threshold is broken an avalanche quickly follows and the results are often devastating for anything in its path.  

This natural phenomenon is representative of our physical and spiritual lives as well.  It seems that things are going along nicely, when one problem after another begin to build a pile of potentially devastating debris that seems to rest upon a frail support.  Then, there it is, a piece of straw, floating on the wind, guided by our adversary, seeking to land in that precarious place that will break it all free, and an avalanche of trouble quickly follows.  We all know, all too well, that these avalanches can be devastating. 

These can occur in the Church as well.  Some Sunday School worker, or Children’s worker labor’s all week to prepare a lesson that will mold and shape the lives of their anticipated students, then when the day of sacred service arrives the teacher’s students are not there.  An avalanche of despair can follow.  They might wonder, “Why did I spend all of this time preparing for only one student?  What’s the point?”  Then the discouraged worker is drawn away and doesn’t show up the following week, when a spiritually younger Christians shows up with their child, and is discourage because there is no children’s worker to work with their child.  What follows is nothing less than an avalanche of discouragement and despair for the body of Christ.  This is just one possible scenario among many that might cause such an avalanche within the Kingdom of our Lord. 

What are good Christian folks to do when circumstances at home, in the Church, and in life have caused an avalanche of despair?  First, know with all assurance that your Heavenly Father loves you, knows all about your situation, and is faithfully present to comfort and help you.  Second, determine now, before the avalanche occurs that you will rejoice and be firm unto the end.  Don’t let this avalanche cause you to falter in your heart and fail in your service.  Often your greatest sources of joy immediately follow just such an avalanche.  Third, be faithful to the end.  Recognize that life is full of surprises and struggles.  Faithfulness in service toward our Lord and others, especially in the face of struggles is the true mark of a spiritual giant in our Lord’s kingdom.

 Let us be firm unto the end.


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